War reporter-turned author, screenwriter and film producer. His first novel, The Horse Whisperer, has sold more than ten million copies worldwide and was made into a 1998 Hollywood blockbuster.

Give us a book jacket summary of what you write. Human drama set in an epic landscape.

What has been the proudest moment in your career? The births of my four children.

What is the sentence you would like to be remembered by? He was kind and tried to do his best.

Are you an early morning writer or a night owl? Nine to five (or six or seven).

Whose biography do you want to write?  My paternal grandmother’s.

What’s the most inspiring book you’ve read?  Cormac McCarthy’s All The Pretty Horses.

And the funniest? Anything by David Sedaris.

Kindle or a book? Book.

What advice would you give to aspiring writers? Read, read, read.

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