What’s new on Netflix in the UAE this October
Lots of horror stuff to add to your ‘list’ on Netflix this month…
Netflix is the ultimate go-to for a binge-worthy unwind, and we’ve selected some of the best new movies and TV shows for you to check out in October.
So put the popcorn in the microwave, dim the lights and get stuck into one of these Netflix releases…
Netflix Original
Living Undocumented
Release date: Wednesday October 2, 2019
This Netflix Original documentary series follows the lives of eight undocumented families in the United States, who have volunteered to tell their stories as they face potential deportation. The families live in the shadows, hoping for a change in the immigration policies that will allow them to be a permanent residents. It brings to light the daily struggles and fears faced by non-documented families and the dangers they face. Ranging from harrowing to hopeful, their journeys illuminate and humanize the complex US immigration system and depict the struggles that many must endure in their quest to pursue the American dream.
Raising Dion
Release date: Friday October 4, 2019
Raising Dion is Netflix’ latest superhero science fiction series about a single mother named Nicole and her son, Dion. Her husband unfortunately died and she has to look after her son all by herself. As hard as it already is raising a child alone, things are about to get a lot more tough for Nicole as Dion starts to manifest supernatural powers. With the help of her husband’s friend, she must keep her son safe, which means she needs to needs to hide his powers from people out to exploit him, while trying to discover the source of what caused her son’s powers.
Haunted (Season 2)
Release date: Friday October 11, 2019
Haunted is an American paranormal documentary that focuses on horror stories on individuals and groups. Yep, that means these are (supposedly) real life stories. Haunted is still available on Netflix if you want to watch it before Haunted 2, which is another six show series. In this all-new season of true-life terror, real people recount unsettling run-ins with demons, ghosts and more, as told via dramatic re-enactments. Thank you Netflix, we’ll be having nightmares for weeks.
Living with yourself
Release date: Friday October 18, 2019
Miles Elliott is a man struggling in life. Pain, sadness and humiliation follows him wherever he goes. He discovers a business card called Top Happy Spa that promises to rebuild your DNA. After undergoing the treatment, Miles awakes a happy person (cue the running through a green field with happy music in the background scene). One night however, he hears a sound in the middle of the night and upon investigation comes across himself, albeit the worst version of him. Now there are two of him and unfortunately only one life. Together, they need to decide what to do (without trying to kill each other in the process).
Netflix Film
In the Tall Grass
Release date: Friday October 3, 2019
In the Tall Grass is based on the horror novella written by American writers Stephen King and his son, Joe Hill. The story follows couple, Becky and Cal, who hear the cries of a young boy lost within a field of tall grass. Hearing his desperate cry for help, they venture into the tall grass to rescue him, only to become ensnared by a sinister force that quickly disorients and separates them. They are cut out from the world and are unable to escape as the field’s grip tightens around them, and they soon discover that the only thing worse than getting lost, is being found. As with every other story by Stephen King, expect a lot of horror, supernatural fiction, suspense, and fantasy.
El Camino
Release date: Friday October 11, 2019
Calling all you Breaking Bad fans… it’s finally here. Jesse Pinkman, Walter White’s partner in crime, is back in this Netflix Original film El Camino, which means ‘the way’. SPOILER ALERT! If watching Breaking Bad is on your list, we suggest you skip this entire section. With Walter out of his life, the last we see of Jesse Pinkman in Breaking Bad is him escaping the compound where he was held captive in the show’s finale, speeding off in his car finally a free man. In this new Netflix Film, we find Jesse still on the move as he runs away from captors, the law and his past as he tries to forge some kind of future.
Release date: Friday October 11, 2019
This film follows Ray Monroe, a recovering alcoholic struggling with his failures as an addict, husband and father. It begins with a car scene as a husband, wife and their daughter are on their way home when tragedy strikes during a pit stop. The young daughter falls into a deep and potentially deadly construction pit and gets rushed to the Emergency Room in a hospital by her parents. After a struggle to get his daughter checked by a doctor, Ray falls asleep as tests get conducted. When he wakes however, he discovers that his family is missing and the hospital insists they were never there in the first place. Is Ray lying or the hospital hiding the truth? Guess we’ll have to wait until October 11 to find out…
The Laundromat
Release date: Friday October 18, 2019
The cast alone should put this right on the top of your ‘To watch’ list on Netflix. It stars award winning Meryl Streep, Gary Oldman, Antonio Banderas, Jeffery Wright, Robert Patrick, David Schwimmer and Sharon Stone. The movie is based on a true story involving a group of journalists from the Panama Papers, who uncover illegal money laundering and legal tax avoidance by shell companies. It was traced back to a single law firm in Panama City, Mossack Fonseca. In the movie we meet Meryl Steep, a recent widow, who upon investigation finds that the settlement money from the accident that took her husband has vanished into shell corporations, which leads her to a pair of Panama City law partners exploiting the world’s financial system.
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Images: Netflix