Safety, in numbers…

Global statistic database, Numbeo has published the result of its 2021 survey into the quality of life of world cities.

The rankings come from visitors to the website that have responded to questions on a number of aspects of life in the urban setting.

Numbeo’s survey sheds light on areas such as cost of living, crime, healthcare, climate, traffic, pollution and safety.

The UAE ranks highly overall, but it’s the safety element where our cities really wear the crown.

Out of 431 cities where data has been supplied, Abu Dhabi comes out in the number one spot (and lowest for the perceived threat of crime). Making our capital, the least gritty city.

Major General Staff Pilot Faris Al Mazrouei, Commander-in-Chief of Abu Dhabi Police said it’s “a testament to the security and stability Abu Dhabi enjoys”.

It was a pretty good showing for the region, with Doha coming in second, Sharjah sixth and Dubai seventh.

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Pretoria in South Africa; Port Moresby in Papua New Guinea; and Caracas in Venezuala make up the bottom three in descending order.

This is actually the fifth year in a row, that Abu Dhabi has received the safest city accolade in the Numbeo survey, and the UAE in general typically enjoys similar success in other comparable surveys.

Low crime rates, proactive community policing policies and comparably low levels of poverty all add up to a pretty secure state.

Last year, Abu Dhabi was placed in the top 10 places for expats to live in the InterNations Expat City Ranking survey.

With one of the major contributing factors to the high score being Abu Dhabi’s friendliness and safety (78 per cent of expats feel ‘completely’ safe there for example, compared to a global average of just 45 per cent).

Images: Getty