These are the things we at What’s On have a love/hate relationship with in the UAE, right now…

Ick: Elevator Chat

Have you noticed how almost everything is being referred to as ‘elevated’ at the moment? It’s street food, but ‘elevated’… It’s an elevated chai latte, elevated fish ‘n’ chips, elevated Asian cuisine, elevated cheese boards – contributing, in no small degree, to elevated cortisol levels in the rest of us. I’m amongst the first in line for a bougie-fication that’s sound of concept, but if there is no purpose behind it – if it’s marketing fluff with no substance, or worse, completely misattributed, the bandwagon jumping just looks a bit desperate. Some of the purest joys in life are found in simple, uncomplicated things. And just because you could (add gold flakes to spaghetti), doesn’t mean you should. – Miles Buckeridge, Deputy Editor Dubai

Ick: Cold fries

It happens more often than you think. Cold fries at the restaurant, cold fries at the drive-through… I have had to go back to the counter to request them for fresher fries a few times. The worst is if you order it home. I get that it will be impossible to get it piping hot for home delivery as fries just don’t travel well, but I have seen a few restaurants do it well, and now I do have a certain expectation. As a fries lover, nothing hurts more than cold fries. I don’t even care about the burger if the fries are cold. You can feed me fries all day long and I will be over the moon. Just make them hot and fresh for me, please…

Aarti Saundalkar, Arts & Culture Features Editor

Ick: A very taxi(ng) journey

Dubai taxi

I think taxis are my constant ick, to the point where I’m severely averse to take a taxi anywhere now. I would much rather figure out a Metro/bus route, even if it takes longer, than reel in motion sickness and headaches from the taxi ride. I’ve realised you can get pretty much anywhere with public transport, and I’m saving so much money. I get my steps in, move my body, get some fresh air and don’t end up with severe nausea. The biggest benefit? I stay away from the roads, hence the soul-sucking traffic, hence my life is golden.

. – Manaal Fatimah, Online Reporter

Pick: To the (Chef ) Moon and back


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I had my first look (and taste) at Hanu last week, and the highlight wasn’t just the food – it was Chef Kyung Soo Moon. Born and raised in Seoul, with 24 years of experience at spots like Sushisamba, Attiko Dubai, and Sachi – Chef Moon is not just leading the kitchen, he is Hanu. Before we sat down, he took us on a tour, sharing stories about Korean cuisine, art, and traditions with a passion you could taste in every dish he prepared. As the saying goes, “The secret ingredient is always love,” and I know it may sound cheesy, but it’s true – every dish reflected his passion for Korean cuisine. I didn’t know I had a favourite chef in Dubai, until I met Chef Moon. Consider him officially on my list of culinary legends. – Lana Du, Reporter 

Ick: Wait(or) patiently

Nothing annoys me more than when people are rude to waiting staff, bar staff. It actually creates so much anger in me that I want to jump out of my seat, climb over the table and parkour off their head. But instead I roll my eyes, tut loudly and complain to my husband about it. I used to work in a bar and if somebody clicked their fingers at me to get my attention, I would purposefully ignore them for the rest of the night. But really, are you that entitled? Get in the bin. – Madie Murphy, Senior Reporter

Media: Instagram, What’s On Archive