It comes after government employees were told to work from home…

The UAE’s Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MoHRE) has issued a statement instructing private sector companies to allow remote working on Monday February 12.

As per the statement, shared from MoHRE’s official X channel, companies should apply flexible working patterns tomorrow given the ‘expected weather conditions.’

“Necessary measures need to be taken by companies to ensure outdoor work, if necessary to resume, complies with the occupational health and safety requirements,” the Ministry added, regarding outdoor work.

This comes after Sheikh Hamdan issued a directive yesterday, Saturday February 10, to allow government employees to work remotely on Monday. The instruction came as unstable weather is forecast from Sunday February 11 across the country.

Although many schools are already on half term break, the Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA) also issued an announcement encouraging private schools, nurseries and universities to offer the option of distance learning on Monday, due to the forecast unpredictable weather.

The Ministry of Interior took to X to urge the public to remain safe and cautious as the country expects rain, thunder and hail – as well as reduced visibility – from Sunday through to Tuesday.

Image: Getty