Party with the biggest stars
What’s On has news of Cafe Scientifique’s astronomical event in Dubai. Learn about astronomy in Dubai and see Jupiter in Opposition.
Café Scientifique Dubai is hosting a party with the biggest stars but it won’t be jam-packed with celebrities.
Our astronomical friends at Dubai’s science club tell us Jupiter will be at opposition on February 6. To the lay person, this means it will be really close and very bright.
To mark the occasion, Café Scientifique Dubai is hosting a stargazing party outside and setting up powerful telescopes so that guests have the chance to get up close to the biggest planet in our solar system. You’ll also get to see the moon, Saturn and Mars.
Meanwhile, the best scientific minds and astronomical experts in Dubai will also be conducting guided tours of the night sky where guests can learn about some of the constellations we can see from the UAE.
“Many of us are so busy in our day-to-day lives that we rarely stop and look up at the night sky, and if, by chance we do, we have no idea what we are looking at. We are very passionate about astronomy at Café Scientifique Dubai and, once one looks through the telescope and sees distant celestial objects it is a truly breathtaking, life-changing, perspective-shifting experience,” says founder of Café Scientifique Rohan Roberts.
Set up almost 10 years ago, Café Scientifique is a place where, for the price of a cup of coffee, anyone can come to explore the latest ideas in science and technology – talking about science outside of an academic setting.
Friday February 6
The Café Scientifique Dubai stargazing meeting is free. It will be held from 6.30pm to 9pm opposite the Jebel Ali Equestrian Club and racecourse. Register at