Can I drink water, can I sleep, can I open this particular door – all your questions answered…

If you’re a Dubai Metro user – regular or new, it’s worth knowing that these actions could incur fines in the Dubai Metro stations, platforms and cabins.

Here are the fines you can get on the Dubai Metro… 

Drinking, eating and chewing gum

The Dubai Metro is now 14 years old, but have you ever noticed how spick and span the cabins and stations are? This is because there are hard and fast rules in place which don’t allow you to eat or drink in the Dubai Metro trains or stations. If you are caught by the officials eating, drinking or even chewing gum, this could land you a fine. Yes, this even applies to water, so get your sips in before you get into the station or after you exit.

And of course, this also means you can’t spit, litter or smoke… but we’re hoping this is an obvious one.

In the wrong place…

If you are new or just jumped into the first cabin before the doors closed, take note. The cabins in the metro with huge neon pink stickers on the door and on the floor at the entrance of the Dubai Metro – those cabins are meant for women and children. The cabin on the other end of the metro – the one with the gold sticker, is for gold Nol pass holders only. If you aren’t a lady or have a gold card and find yourself in one of these cabins – you could get a fine of Dhs100 or more.

Also, no matter how tired you are – don’t drop off to sleep. Not only do you risk missing your station, but you will risk getting a fine, too. And let’s not forget the annoyed glances from fellow travellers thanks to your snoring.

Certain cabins have luggage slots which are meant for, well… luggage. Yes, we all know that the metro gets crowded, but if the official steps onto the train to check your NOL card, you will be asked to move.

Lastly, and if you see a warning sign on the door, do yourself and the Dubai Metro staff a favour, and don’t open it – it’s restricted for a reason.

Being loud/ indecent

It may be accidental, or maybe your earphones weren’t properly plugged in, or maybe that joke was super funny you had to laugh out loud – but remember, causing a disturbance in the Dubai Metro trains or the station could land you a line of Dhs100.

Other inconsiderate acts include placing your feet on the metro chairs and damaging; vandalising or destroying equipment or seats on public transport and public transport facilities.

For a list of all the fines, visit this link here