Say hello to the new season in style…

The cool weather is slowly fading away from cool and pleasant to hot and humid. And if just the thought of summer is getting you down, Dubai Summer Surprises (DSS) will be here to perk you up.

DSS is a highlight in the city’s retail calendar and packs the warmer season in Dubai with plenty of cool experiences.

Dubai summer surprises 2023

Taking place from Friday, June 28, the popular city-wide festival will run until Saturday, September 1, 2024. The 65 days will be packed with plenty of shopping deals, family fun and thrills.

Details on the festival are yet to be announced but we are keeping a close eye on the announcement.

Dubai Summer Surprises

In short, we can expect several sales where prices across the city’s shopping malls drop on its latest collections. You’re sure to find a good deal, no matter what you want to shop for, be it fashion, furniture, gifts, or electronics.

There have also been raffle draws in the past, so if you’re feeling lucky, be sure to take part to stand a chance to win some cool prizes.

For more great deals, those looking for a quick break over the weekend will be thrilled to know that there will be multiple discounts at leading hotels. Just looking for quick thrills? There will be some cool deals available at theme parks and adventure spots across the city.

dubai summer surprises modesh

Additionally, we can expect a number of pop-ups as well as dining deals including specially curated gastronomy menus and offers including the much-loved Summer Restaurant Week.

For little ones, DSS marks the return of Modesh World where they can unleash all their energy playing games and enjoying kid-friendly rides. They will even have plenty of chances to meet Modesh and his friend Dana.

Stay tuned for the top things to do this DSS on

Images: Dubai Summer Surprises