The regulations cover lotteries, internet gaming, sports wagering, and land-based gaming facilities, paving the way for legalised gambling in the UAE…

In a landmark move, the General Commercial Gaming Regulatory Authority (GCGRA) was established in the UAE in September 2023, to regulate commercial gaming in the emirates.

The establishment of the GCGRA came 18 months after it was announced that Las Vegas icon, Wynn, would debut a 1,500 room resort in Ras Al Khaimah, and a year after details emerged that it would feature a ‘licensed gaming’ component considerably larger than its Las Vegas counterpart.

Now, more details of the role the GCGRA will have have been unveiled, with the introduction of the regulator’s website, The launch of the website comes alongside the announcement of its first licensee, The Game LLC, which will operate the UAE lottery. The UAE Lottery, set to launch soon, will provide an array of ‘lottery games and other games designed to cater to players’ variety of interests and financial preferences,’ as per an announcement on July 28.

But while the UAE lottery is the first initiative licensed by the GCGRA, it’s not expected to be the last.

What is the GCGRA for?

The GCGRA is a government entity designed to regulate, license, and supervise all commercial gaming activities in the UAE. And in launching their website this week, they’ve provided more details on what their responsibilities will cover.

The key takeaways

Commercial gaming in the UAE will cover four areas: lottery, internet gaming (computer or mobile online gambling), sports wagering (betting on the outcome of big sports events), and land-based gaming facilities (i.e casinos).

To operate within any of these fields, you must have a GCGRA license, for which there is a detailed process. Gaming operators must apply for a license, as must those working for gaming establishments in supervisory or decision making roles.

The intake form for operators has options to select from all seven emirates, suggesting that all emirates may become eligible for commercial gaming. At the moment, only one license to The Game LLC for the UAE Lottery has been granted.

Any entity awarded a GCGRA license will be responsible for adhering to the Responsible Gaming Framework, allowing players to set limits on their activity, and instruct cooling off periods. Businesses with gaming licenses will be audited every two years to ensure they are still compliant with the GCGRA framework.

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