Surf’s up dude! 

Kelly Slater is an American professional surfer and an 11-time World Surf League champion and he has put his star power behind newly-opened Surf Abu Dhabi in the capital. The newest and coolest attraction in the capital was designed in partnership with an organisation fronted by the pro surfing royalty, who has said the manmade wave on Hudayriyat Island rivals the best natural waves he’s ever surfed – and he’s surfed quite a few.

What’s On Abu Dhabi spoke to one of Surf Abu Dhabi’s leading instructors, South African Chrystal Engelbrecht, to find out more about this pioneering new leisure attraction and her love for the waves.

Kelly Slater Surf Abu Dhabi

WO: Kelly Slater said the wave at Surf Abu Dhabi rivals the best natural waves he’s ever surfed. Do you agree?

Chrystal Engelbrecht: Kelly Slater has surfed so many surf breaks around the world so for him to make such a statement shows you how awesome this wave actually is. Based on my experience of surfing waves in the ocean I can definitely agree with him – this wave at Abu Dhabi is magical. It gives people the opportunity to experience something they might have searched for in the ocean for years, but here in Abu Dhabi, this crazy barrel is right there.

WO: Could you tell us and our readers the difference between a manmade wave and a natural wave?

CE: Natural waves are extremely unpredictable. Conditions like wave size, tide, and wind direction vary throughout the day, therefore, your timing becomes super crucial. A manmade wave is way more predictable and consistent which gives you that rhythm when you surf it.

What’s On (WO): Is Slater a surfing hero of yours? 

CE: He was, and always will be, a surf hero of mine. It goes way back to school projects I did about surfing idols. Kelly’s reputation helped create Surf Abu Dhabi and now I’m part of history being made here in Abu Dhabi, which is pretty cool.

Surf Abu Dhabi

WO: How pleasing is it to welcome surfers to Surf Abu Dhabi?

CE: The people we host here come from all around the world. They have different traditions, languages and cultures and we love hearing their stories. Our staff are also from around the world so they have an instant connection with our guests.

WO: What kind of surfing community have you found in Abu Dhabi?

CE: I’ve been in the UAE for 10 years and the surf community is definitely growing. The people who have come from around the world to work at Surf Abu Dhabi have brought so much to the community, with their passion for surfing and their experiences, which helps to expand the scene.

Surf Abu Dhabi

WO: What’s the biggest wave you’ve ever surfed?

CE: I’m not a big wave fan, so my biggest wave would be a lot of people’s smallest! If I had to choose one, it would probably be an eight-foot wave in the Maldives. Once you paddle out on a big swell and catch bigger waves, you feel adrenaline in your veins and you want more, but at the same time, it’s scary.

WO: How did you learn to surf?

CE: When I was about 10, I’d swim in my best friend’s pool and try to stand up on her dad’s surfboard as a fun game. We’d go to our home beach in South Africa called Warner Beach and watch the locals surf. I used to catch little waves with my bodyboard and try to stand up.

WO: What happened next?

CE: I told my parents I wanted to try surfing for real, so they booked me a lesson with a local pro surfer called Sarah Johnson. I’ll never forget my first wave: it was the left side of the rocks and she pushed me into the foam. It was one of the best experiences of my life and I was hooked from that moment.

Surf Abu Dhabi

WO: When you’re surfing, do you feel anything spiritual?

CE: Yeah, I feel a deep spiritual connection when I’m out on the water, the feeling is almost indescribable. I only find that kind of happiness when I’m surfing, it’s a state of euphoria and it’s very therapeutic. When I come out of the water, whether it was a good or bad session, I feel rejuvenated.