You and three of your family members could win passes to Dubai’s ode to Bollywood. One lucky winner will scoop four annual passes (worth more than Dhs3,000) for a family to experience the magic of Bollywood, at Dubai Parks And Resorts.

You’ll be able to jiggle your hips to all 12 of the parks’ live shows across eight amazing stages performed 30 times a day. Stroll the streets of Bollywood Boulevard, Mumbai Chowk and the Rustic Ravine, while playing interactive games featuring some of India’s biggest stars. Then, take your pick from six excellent Indian restaurants, before settling in to the 850-seat Rajmahal Theatre, which hosts a Broadway-style Bollywood musical several times a week. Jai ho!

For a chance of winning this prize fill in the form below before May 31

121: Win! Two-night stay in a one bedroom apartment

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY

Usual terms and conditions apply.

*Please note this competition is no longer valid after May 31