Dubai Frame, Burj Khalifa and other key buildings mark the celebration of UAE-China week…

If you drove by Dubai Frame last night you will have noticed that the iconic structure was lighting up the sky in a brilliant red hue instead of its more traditional yellow glow.

This is to mark the celebrations of UAE-China Week, currently underway until July 24, that includes a visit from Chinese president Xi Jinping in what will be one of the largest state visits that the UAE has ever hosted.

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The red lights are meant to symbolise the Chinese flag and are a show of friendship between the two nations, ahead of Jinping’s arrival on July 19.

And Dubai Frame isn’t the only Dubai landmark expected to light up red, either. Early on Tuesday morning, onlookers in Downtown Dubai were treated to a sneak peek of the Burj Khalifa and its intricate LED lighting system as it boldly displayed the Chinese flag.

Other buildings expected follow suit with a light show include the Adnoc Headquarters and Hudayriat Bridge, while The National reports that road signs along the Dubai-Abu Dhabi road are displaying a message in Mandarin welcoming the Chinese delegation.

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