More details on how Abu Dhabi's revolutionary new Covid scanners work
The results are instantaneous…
Abu Dhabi Media Office has just shared further information on how the new EDE Covid-19 detecting scanners work.
This futuristic facial analysis tech has been rolled out at land and air entry points to the emirate, on Yas Island, some residential areas, in Abu Dhabi malls and beyond.
The fact that this technology was conceived and designed in Abu Dhabi is hugely significant, the field of biodetection through analysis of biomarkers is right at the cutting edge of science.
The new EDE scanning system is based on technology that includes an EDE detector that collects electromagnetic waves within a five metre radius. When a person enters that radius, the electromagnetic waves are altered.
— مكتب أبوظبي الإعلامي (@admediaoffice) June 30, 2021
How do the EDE Scanners work ?
According to Abu Dhabi Media Office the EDE scanner device has an effective radius of five metres.
When a subject (that’s you, or us, or anyone hoping to pick up a bargain in the capital’s Summer of Style super sale) moves within range, the equipment uses a machine-learning algorithm to measure anomalies in electromagnetic waves given off by the subject.
If the scanners detect electromagnetic wave distortions known to be caused by the Covid-19 RNA molecules, this corresponds with a strong likelihood that the subject is infected with the Covid-19 virus. The results are virtually instantaneous.
Those identified as potentially Covid positive will be directed to take a PCR test within 24 hours. If negative, they will be able to continue as before.
From looking at the videos of the scanners in action, it looks like there are two main components. One element is operational through a smart phone camera, the other is a separate orb-shaped unit. We currently don’t have the full details of how these devices function or interact.
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زوار لياس مول يعبرون عن شعورهم بالمزيد من الطمأنينة والأمان عند دخولهم المركز التجاري بعد إجراء المسح باستخدام أنظمة EDE للكشف عن الإصابات المحتملة بكوفيد-19، والتي اعتمدتها دائرة الصحة – أبوظبي تعزيزاً للإجراءات الوقائية وللحد من انتشار الفيروس.
— مكتب أبوظبي الإعلامي (@admediaoffice) June 27, 2021
Other examples of biodetection scanners
It’s not the first time this sort of technology has reached the trial phase. Back in 2017 the scientific journal Nature published a paper about the potential use of “Nano metamaterials for ultrasensitive Terahertz biosensing”. The conclusions were positive especially with regard to identifying certain genetic molecule types (including known DNA sequences).
In 2016 the University of Utah launched a study into using Terahertz sensors to detect the Zika virus.
Images: Abu Dhabi Media Office