Sponsored: Flying the colours of gastronomy, entertainment and service…

We stand with our friends at Bagatelle, Sundays should be a cause for celebration.

They mark the start of a brand new week, and what you choose to do at that point will echo throughout the next seven days.

We say — start the week as you mean to go on. We say — life is there to be enjoyed, and we ask — why settle for ‘meh’?


We’d argue, that there are a trio of essential elements for an amazing Dubai night out. You’re free to contest it, but this is our rule of three:

First, there must be ambiance, the vibe must be right — detail in the decor, an air of sophistication, a seductive soundtrack and a wild frisson of energy between the walls.


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Then there’s the gastronomy, the food and drink — it must be innovative, comprised of expertly executed dishes delivered with the finesse of exemplary service.

Finally, we demand to be entertained. It’s not enough to be wined and dined, we’re out-out to be razzled and dazzled. If you want us to stay, we simply ask that you blow our minds.

And by happy circumstance, it’s these exact three colours that are hoisted up the flagpole for Bagatelle’s Unplugged event, held 8pm to 3am, every Sunday.

Live and kicking

The ‘Unplugged’ sessions feature a roll call of outstanding musical talent, pitched at a laidback party-starting vibe.

According to animated street poet, Lumiere — dinner in France “is never second best”, and at Bagatelle you’ll have access to the full run of their a la carte ode to modern Parisian cuisine.

Recent additions to which include the Carpaccio de St Jacques — with Hokkaido Scallops, burnt apple purée, horseradish and dill dressing; and the Carnard à L’orange, an innovative twitst on the Gallic classic — tender duck with chicory marmalade, Seville orange purée and sauce bigarade.

Whilst signature dish, Poulet Rôti à la Truffe Noire, with foie gras, wild mushrooms and potatoes grand-mère — remains a popular pick at the bistro.

First floor of The Fairmont Hotel Sheikh Zayed Road, every Sun 8pm to 3am. Tel: (04) 354 5035, @bagatelledubai