Just fill out a few questions…

This June 2024 marks a momentous occasion for us here at What’s On HQ.  We will be celebrating our 45th anniversary and with that, a magazine that will be a collectors edition – we’re talking big.

In this magazine, you can expect to find a plethora of information about the UAE looking back at the last 45 years, current favourites, and of course what to expect for the next 45 years.

As part of this big issue, we’d really like to find out what you, our readers, have loved about living in the UAE. Whether you have been in the country for a few weeks or over 45 years, we want to know about you and your love for the country.

How to get involved?

It’s simple, fill out the Google form here, before the end of the day on Thursday, May 16 and we will collate the information and put it all together for a wonderful feature in the magazine.

Be a part of our history because it is thanks to you that we continue to have a voice and share with the residents of the country and everybody around the world just how spectacular the United Arab Emirates truly is.

Click here to fill out the form, deadline: Thursday, May 16.

Images: Getty