Live from as early as January 2021…

We really shouldn’t need reminding, but, it’s not ok to use your phone whilst driving. First of all, it’s dangerous. Road Safety UAE states sending messages whilst driving makes you 23 times more likely to end up in a collision.

That means it’s actually six-times more dangerous than driving whilst intoxicated. Risking your life, the lives of other road users and pedestrians.

Whatever it is, it can wait till you get to the end of your journey, or are able to pull over safely.

And those that are caught in the dangerous activity there’s a Dhs400 fine and four black points to look forward to.

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But thankfully the UAE’s police forces will soon have a new bit of kit to help them in stamping out this habit.

In collaboration with Abu Dhabi Police Abu Dhabi Digital Authority (ADDA) has created a new Artificial Intelligence (AI) system that can help spot motorists breaking certain traffic rules, and engaging in reckless or negligent behaviour.

The ‘VAST’ system has been optimised to detect drivers not wearing seat belts or using mobile phones, and will come into force from January 1, 2021.

Last month the emirate’s police force issued a reminder about a different type of dangerous driving. Not using indicators before altering direction, it’s a contributor to the number one cause of road deaths and also comes with a Dhs400 for those caught.

Whilst we’re on the subject of avoiding fines, we recently learned that at the beginning of the new year, the Abu Dhabi Road Toll will come into effect. Meaning those wanting to use certain roads in the capital will need to make sure they’re registered.

Images: WAM