Who ordered a paddle-up Perseids viewing party..?

Yesterday we dropped the news that there would be a special Perseid meteor shower viewing party on Jebel Jais, which sounded immensely good fun, but a bit of a trek for Abu Dhabians.

In a wonderful bit of slightly more local news, we’ve just discovered that the capital’s watersports specialists, SeaHawk.ae are organising their own Perseids party on a secluded island, somewhere amongst the Eastern mangroves.

Being held between 11pm on Thursday August 12 and 6am on Friday August 13 the trip will include island transfers, bonfire equipment, tents, camp chairs, the ultimate campfire treat — s’mores, water and the loan of a paddleboard, all for Dhs 350 per person.

You will need to be vaccinated (with Green Status on Alhosn), bring a sleeping mat, hand sanitiser and extra snacks.

To book your place on the trip, you’ll need to drop SeaHawk a message in their Insta DMs @seahawk.ae. They need a minimum of 12 booked guests before they can confirm departure.


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Watch this week's Perseid meteor shower from a UAE mountain top

What are are Perseids?

The Perseid meteor shower is an annual astronomical event, observable from the earth with the naked eye. The objects that make up the display, are particles from the Perseid cloud, a smattering of groovy space dust sprinkled by the tail of the Swift–Tuttle comet.

They’re named ‘Perseid’ because, due to the trajectory, they appear to be coming from the constellation Perseus. And whilst we’re geeking out, we may as well go the whole way and briefly skim through a bit of greek mythology — Perseus is named after a Greek demi-god, the half mortal son of Zeus who is best known for his work in whacking monsters, having lopped Medusa’s snakey head off, and rescued Andromeda from the sea monster, Cetus.

Between July 17 and August 24 scores of shooting stars streak through the upper limits of earth’s atmosphere, casting long kaleidoscopic tails and bursting into fireballs against the backdrop of the dark night sky.

The intensity of the showers is always highest around the middle of August, with this year’s forecasted climax being August 12.

Images: Getty/Unsplash