In the most KHDA way possible…

The Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA), which oversees the administrative functions of private education in Dubai, has just announced an update for the emirate’s schools on Friday, December 1.

In honour of the UAE’s National Day celebrations – private schools, nurseries and universities in Dubai will operate on a distance learning model on December 1, 2023. Which is a slightly traumatic flashback to the early days of Covid, and – for those without exams coming up – essentially a de-facto ‘my iPad isn’t working’ day-off.

True to form, the KHDA X account – which has a reputation for delivering its updates with humour, sass and panache – made the announcement with a very tongue-in-cheek salute to a student named Jad (Grade 10), who had written in asking for the day to be given as a holiday so he didn’t have to do a maths test.

Because X = 1 + or – Y, where X is your maths test and Y is the date of your maths test, we suspect, all you’ve done there Jad, is either delayed or, worse, brought forward the exam. Maths tests are an inescapable inevitability. But we commend the creativity and effort of your attempt.

Schools will be closed on Monday, December 4, which will be enjoyed as a holiday along with public and private sector workers. Final confirmation of the National Day paid holiday was given by the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation yesterday.

All of this means that Dubai’s privately educated students will now enjoy a four-day weekend, ahem – sorry, three-day weekend with distance learning on Friday December 1 and Monday, December 4, fully off.

We can probably speak for all students here in saying, thank you Jad, may the maths test be kind.

Images: Getty