Better lighting, safer driving…

Motorists in Abu Dhabi can now enjoy better visibility while driving through the Sheikh Zayed Tunnel, as a result of a total of 5,071 newly-installed lights.

These lights will illuminate the 3.6km long tunnel, and their degree of lighting and colours will adapt to road conditions and time of the day – a big help, especially for those driving at night.

Improved energy efficiency, driver visibility and road safety will also be achieved through the installation of the new lights – to be specific, a 17 per cent reduction in energy consumption and up to a 90 per cent increase in operational activity and high-performance lighting.

The upgrade and reinstallation is part of several concerted initiatives in line with the UAE’s long-term sustainability vision, and its declaration of 2024 as a year of sustainability.

Abu Dhabi’s Sheikh Zayed Tunnel is a key component of its roadways. Opened in 2012, the 3.6km long tunnel is the longest in the Middle East, with four lanes in either direction and the capacity to accommodate 8,000 vehicles on each side.