Does your phone say 'History of UAE'? Here's why...
The eagle-eyed amongst you will have already spotted it…
If you’ve noticed a new phrase at the top of your phone where it normally says Du, Etisalat or Virgin and wondered why, then you’ve come to the right place. The switch was made on Sunday November 24, from your normal telecom service provider to ‘History of UAE’.
The change was made to promote a five-part television series which is being broadcasted all this week. The programme delves into the history of the UAE in five individual episodes, shown on a variety of local channels.
HH Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces shared a preview of the series on his Twitter.
قصة امتدت لآلاف السنين وشكلت ملامح مجتمع الإمارات الذي اتخذ من الابتكار عنواناً لمسيرته عبر التاريخ، متسلحاً بالايمان والإصرار على الوحدة التي ترتكز عليها دولتنا، نثري بهذه السلسلة الوثائقية “تاريخ الإمارات” معرفة العالم بأمتنا. لكل أُمة قصة. هذه هي قصتنا..
— محمد بن زايد (@MohamedBinZayed) November 22, 2019
History of the Emirates is a collaborative documentary by Image Nation Abu Dhabi in partnership with Atlantic Production. You can catch the episodes on several television channels including Dubai TV, Dubai One, Sama Dubai and Abu Dhabi TV.
The five different themes of each episode will explore in detail, the themes of society, innovation, trade, belief and unity in relation to the UAE. For anyone who is interested in learning more about the history of the country they live in, this should provide plenty of detail.
In the Tweet, HH Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed, said: “For thousands of years, the UAE society, which has taken the form of innovation through history, armed with faith and insistence on the unity of our country, has enriched the documentary series ‘History of the Emirates’. Every nation has a story. This is our story.”
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Image: Unsplash