Habibi, welcome to Dubai…

If you’re new to Dubai, firstly a big welcome  – it’s scary but the first step is already done, you’re here. If you’re looking to meet new people in Dubai then these might be some of the more fun and creative ways to do it.

First, a word of truth. Dubai is unfortunately not the easiest place to perch at a bar and start chatting to someone next to you – there is bravery in that, but it doesn’t happen as easily here as in Europe or the UK. But there are plenty of incredible ways to meet the incredible city that you now call home.

Here are the best ways to meet new people in Dubai.

Dating apps (sort of)


Okay, I recognise that this might be tricky if you’ve moved with a partner but luckily apps like Bumble allow you to select if you’re on the hunt for a romantic partner or a friend – so if you’re going this route and are in a relationship, please make sure to clarify that with your partner first. Bumble is also for friendships.

Tinder and hinge

If you are single – dating apps are a great way to meet new people. Go on dates, and get to know someone, you might not end up falling in love, but it’s a great way to get a feel for the people in the city and who knows – your next dating app date could introduce you to their respective friend group and suddenly you’ve been opened up to a world of new people.

Facebook groups

I know, Gen Z would be shaking in their boots but Facebook groups are still very much a thing in Dubai and are a fantastic way to find people from your home country who can level with you – people in your community who could help with moving or answering any questions you might have. They are genuiely a good way to meet people and find out information in Dubai.

Events and other fun ways

Supper clubs

girl and the goose

Supper clubs are a fantastic way to meet new people – there is always an interesting and wonderful mix of people who attend supper clubs. If you’re looking for a great one to attend, we have a list here, otherwise, I’d highly recommend Girl and The Goose. Chef Gabriela is wonderful and will make you feel extremely welcome.


Newly launched in Dubai, TimeLeft is a fun way to get to know new people in your area. Offering events around the world every Wednesday at 8pm. Fill out a personality quiz (which is also fun to do) before being paired with a group of five people with an algorithm that will put you with like-minded and equally interesting people. The maximum age gap will always be 10 years, and the average age group is 35 to 40. Your restaurant will be assigned to you, there is a subscription package available but you can also select one off events – dinner costs must be covered by you. Click here to sign up.

Join a sports team

Dubai is an extremely sporty place  – from run clubs, to rugby, cycling Al Qudra and more. This is an active and great way to get in some movement while also meeting new people.

Single mingle


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Mingle DXB has been running the single mingle events space in Dubai for three years now, sometimes dating apps just don’t work. The great thing about single mingle events is that this is your time to shine if you’re the kind of person who does better in person with starting up a conversation. We’ve checked them out in the past and they can be scary, but once you get into the environment where everybody is looking to meet new people, the scariness goes away. They often host different kinds of events that aren’t only for finding romantic partners as well, so keep your eyes peeled on their socials for that. Read all about it here.

Through work

We’re all here for the hustle, but don’t be shy to spark up a conversation with your colleagues in the pantry, take the leap of faith and invite them out for a post-work drink. You never know, you might find your new bestie is sitting just around the corner from you every day.

Bonus: words of advice

It takes time

Finding your groove and your friend group takes time in Dubai – being lonely is never a nice feeling but just remember that everybody that has moved here has felt the same at some point. It will pass but my golden standard for finding your rhythm and working out what works best for you typically takes about 18 months. So stick it out because it’ll be some of the best times of your life.

Take things slow

It’s easy to get swept up in the luxe and glamour and Dubai life, take things slowly, go at your own pace and don’t feel the need to keep up appearances. Being your most authentic self will help you find your crew.

Smaller is better

This is a bit of a personal opinion, but it often seems like people in Dubai have friends all over the city and are super well-connected – if you’re the type of person who works well like this, then great but don’t feel the pressure to be surface level friends with everybody. Find your group of friends and keep them close, even if the group is only two or three – those friends might end up being worth more than gold.

Images: Supplied and Getty