Take the first step…

As a resident of Dubai, the city of possibility, it will have crossed your mind to open your own business once or twice or a few times. This is exactly why we decided to ask those who were brave enough to venture out on their own to start their own businesses what advice they would give those looking to start a business in Dubai.

From nightlife to cookies, wedding dresses and salons, these business owners in Dubai are making a name for themselves but they haven’t done it without trials, sacrifice and countless hours of hard work.

If you’re looking to start a business in Dubai, this is advice from the professionals.

Sacrifice and discipline

I was having a whole TED Talk with my friend recently about this and I was saying the most important thing about having anything successful is sacrifice. You have to sacrifice so much for your dream to come true, be it time, money, effort, friendships, relationships…You need to sacrifice. And sometimes it’s difficult but that is the only way to get to where you want to be.

Athletes are a clear example of that locked-in, Manic focus. They sacrifice “teen years” and “diets” just for them to be in top form and shape. So as much as everyone says “Oh you just need to believe in yourself to do it” they won’t talk about how many people you have to cut off, how you might have to sell that car or laptop just to make ends meet, how you haven’t called your best friend from childhood in two months cause you are so obsessed with trying to make this work.

Discipline is nothing without sacrifice, sacrifice is pointless without discipline. – Farai Machingura, co-founder of House of Yanos.

Educate yourself on Dubai Municipality

So many corporate service companies, PROs and lawyers will convince you to spend lots of money, when Dubai Municipality (DM) is incredibly helpful and just takes some time.

I feel like the barrier for entry for people can feel scary or unfamiliar – but almost anybody that you speak with at DM will try and help, or refer you to someone that can also help.

DED Cafe is an amazing resource – you can get so many questions answered and so many opening concerns addressed. – Chef Shaw Lash, Owner of Lila Taqueria and Lila Molino 


If I had to sum it up: Persevere. Persevere when the licensing process appears confusing, persevere when you’re trying to find the right location and persevere when you’re trying to make the right connections. When you’re exhausted. When something doesn’t work out. When you hit a bump in the road. When you’re told “no” or “it won’t work”.

Picture this: your gas is low. The fuel is depleting. You just want to stop and rest. You need to stop and rest. The journey is harder than you could ever imagine and resources are limited. Perseverance is the act of getting out of the vehicle, finding the fuel and refuelling the tank even when you’re on your knees. I never knew the meaning of the word until I started my business. Never give up. – Katie, co-founder of Billionaire Cookies 

Get your own visa

Find out which type of UAE residence visa (investment visa, green visa, golden visa) you want to apply for. As a company owner, even sole proprietorship, your company is the sponsor of your visa. Get a consultation with business setup advisory firms like Creative Zone to check if there are any visa allocation promotions available that offer a residence visa and trade license package. – Pearl Yan, co-founder of Le Gourmonde 

It’s hard work, stay focused

Networking is everything in Dubai – in many fields, it’s not just about what you know, but who you know. Building connections can open doors, create opportunities, and support your growth in ways you might not expect. Trust me, the help you offer others will find its way back to you.

Be prepared to work harder than you ever have. It’s true when they say, “If it were easy, everyone would do it.” When I first started my business, people would say, “You’re so lucky, you can do whatever you want.” But the reality is, unless your business is generating millions by doing very little which is very rare, you need to be hands-on. If you’re like me and reinvest everything back into the business, this is where your money and energy will go.

Have an emergency fund. Dubai isn’t cheap, and those small expenses can add up quickly. Business has its ups and downs, so it’s important to be prepared. Especially since COVID-19, with companies offering remote work and Dubai’s hot summers, I consider Dubai a seasonal city. People leave for extended periods, so if your business is based here, plan for those slower footfall periods.

Stay focused and don’t get distracted by what others are doing, whether it’s social media, competitors, or external pressures. Sometimes, you just need to be like a racehorse with blinders on, charging toward your goal. Good luck! If you’re on the fence about starting your business, my advice is simple: just go for it! – Hollie Briant, Owner of You&I Bridal and co-founder of Dazed and Engaged 

Stay positive and if you have an idea, act on it

Everyone can be an entrepreneur; it’s not difficult. However, what’s challenging is staying an entrepreneur and successfully making an idea, project, or business sustainable. Beyond the common advice you might find on YouTube or hear at conferences, here are my two key pieces of advice:

Stay positive and keep a clear mind. A good entrepreneur isn’t someone who knows what to do when everything is going well. A good entrepreneur is someone who knows how to handle problems, issues, or unexpected situations. Often, the key to overcoming these challenges is maintaining a positive mindset and not losing your composure. Being negative will only hurt your performance, so no matter what the problem is, my first advice is to stay positive and avoid dwelling in negativity.

If you have an idea, act on it. Don’t let a great idea linger in the back of your mind for too long, or you may regret not trying it out in 10 years. That said, acting on an idea doesn’t mean doing so without proper analysis. Make sure to think things through, but don’t let fear hold you back from giving it a shot. – Florian Delarue, founder of Digital Lab and My Dogtel 

Embrace the unexpected

One piece of advice I’d give is to embrace unexpected challenges as opportunities for growth. When I first started Tabchilli, I wish I had known just how much the unexpected obstacles would shape our success.

Every setback taught me something invaluable, and looking back, those tough moments were actually the building blocks of what Tabchilli is today. So don’t fear obstacles. Chase and embrace them as they set you up for success.  – Maher Tabchy, founder of Tabchilli 

Market research and location are important

Being a new business owner in Dubai I’d say that the two key factors for me have been doing extensive market research and finding the perfect location for my business. Our concept of mixing beauty with fashion has given us a competitive edge making our brand a lifestyle and that too has been an advantage for us.

I’d say staying true and consistent with what the essence of your brand stands for will always help your brand stay ahead of the game. No business start-up is ever easy so it’s always important to prepare for the countless number of hours that go into it and sometimes having to work seven days of the week. Having said this, watching our brand grow and make a mark, and meeting the amazing clients that believe in our concept, our brand and what it stands for makes it all worthwhile and rewarding. – Aniqha Deen Ismail, co-founder of And14

Images: Unsplash